Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fall Palette

Have you ever had so much to do that you didn't quite know where to start? Or rather, when you'll finish it all?

Yeah, that's me.

Today I work on my daughter's American Girl retro pants (my pattern), as well as two short-sleeved dresses for AG (one for her, and one for the store). I also have to finish laundry, dishes, and reorganizing the kids' clothing today. Oh and changing bed linens and cleaning out the fridge....

Yep, one of those days.

Anyway..... I love fall. I really do. It's my favorite season, and if the weather were a cool 70 year-round, I'd be a happy girl. But it isn't, so I have to relish fall while it is here. With fall comes fall colors, also my favorites. What is on your sewing plate for fall? What colors? Mine are classic colors, but they work for me:

Bottoms in khaki/cream neutrals/brown

Tops and dresses in burgundy, cream, brown, red, and light pink. And some emerald/hunter green thrown in for a splash of bright color:

Well, off to work!

1 comment:

  1. You have been busy! I do love these colors as well. Hope you make something pretty for yourself after the baby. Blessings!
